History log of /OpenAppFilter/luci-app-oaf/po/
Revision Date Author Comments
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fd21eb38 29-Nov-2022 derry <destan19@126.com>

1.Internationalization of app rules 2.Change feature format, Support for custom categories

ef0ed9a5 18-Aug-2022 derry <destan19@126.com>

Support bypass mode

29175104 12-Aug-2022 derry <destan19@126.com>

Optimize the web configuration interface

04b70135 31-Aug-2021 derry <derry>

1.Support i18n 2.add English feature file,support filtering youtube,facebook,etc.

11f3335f 15-Jun-2020 destan19@126.com <destan19@126.com>


0055281c 14-Jan-2020 destan19@126.com <destan19@126.com>


6e7c7370 28-Jun-2019 Derry <derry@126.com>

openwrt app过滤模块所有源码,包含内核、luci和应用层脚本