msgid "website" msgstr "常用网站" msgid "appfilter" msgstr "应用过滤" msgid "App Filter" msgstr "应用过滤" msgid "game" msgstr "游戏" msgid "web" msgstr "网页" msgid "video" msgstr "视频" msgid "chat" msgstr "聊天" msgid "download" msgstr "下载" msgid "p2p" msgstr "p2p" msgid "music" msgstr "音乐" msgid "shopping" msgstr "购物" msgid "working" msgstr "办公" msgid "employee" msgstr "招聘" msgid "Basic Settings" msgstr "基本设置" msgid "App Filter Rules" msgstr "应用过滤规则" msgid "It takes effect for all users by default, and only takes effect for the selected users when checked" msgstr "默认对所有用户生效,勾选后只对选择的用户生效" msgid "Select users" msgstr "选择用户" msgid "Id" msgstr "编号" msgid "Hostname" msgstr "主机名" msgid "Common App(TOP5)" msgstr "常用APP(TOP5)" msgid "Online Status" msgstr "在线状态" msgid "Client List" msgstr "终端列表" msgid "Online" msgstr "在线" msgid "Offline" msgstr "离线" msgid "App Time Statistics" msgstr "App 时间统计" msgid "Filter Status" msgstr "过滤状态" msgid "Data Statistics" msgstr "数据统计" msgid "Current Version" msgstr "当前版本" msgid "App Feature Num" msgstr "特征码个数" msgid "Update feature" msgstr "特征库更新" msgid "Time Setting" msgstr "时间控制" msgid "Sun" msgstr "周日" msgid "Mon" msgstr "周一" msgid "Tue" msgstr "周二" msgid "Wed" msgstr "周三" msgid "Thur" msgstr "周四" msgid "Fri" msgstr "周五" msgid "Sat" msgstr "周六" msgid "Update the feature file successfully, please refresh the page" msgstr "更新特征库成功,请刷新页面!" msgid "Failed to update feature file, format error" msgstr "更新特征库失败,格式错误!" msgid "Select feature file:" msgstr "选择本地特征库文件:" msgid "Start Time1" msgstr "开始时间1" msgid "End Time1" msgstr "结束时间1" msgid "Start Time2" msgstr "开始时间2" msgid "End Time2" msgstr "结束时间2" msgid "App Name" msgstr "App名称" msgid "Visit Time" msgstr "访问时间" msgid "App classification time statistics" msgstr "App分类时间统计" msgid "Percentage" msgstr "占比" msgid "Filtered" msgstr "已过滤" msgid "Unfiltered" msgstr "未过滤" msgid "h" msgstr "小时" msgid "m" msgstr "分" msgid "Enable App Filter" msgstr "开启应用过滤" msgid "App Feature" msgstr "应用特征库" msgid "Effective User" msgstr "生效用户" msgid "Effective Time" msgstr "生效时间" msgid "Basic Settings" msgstr "基本设置" msgid "Please close the modules that may conflict, such as acceleration, ad filtering, and multi-dial" msgstr "请先关闭加速、广告过滤、多拨等可能冲突的模块" msgid "Work Mode" msgstr "工作模式" msgid "Gateway Mode" msgstr "网关模式" msgid "Bypass Mode" msgstr "旁路模式" msgid "Bypass Mode" msgstr "旁路模式" msgid "Current version" msgstr "当前版本" msgid "Current version" msgstr "当前版本" msgid "App number" msgstr "App个数" msgid "Feature download" msgstr "特征库下载" msgid "The second time is optional, the end time must be greater than the start time" msgstr "时间2为选填,结束时间要大于开始时间" msgid "Time Mode" msgstr "时间匹配模式" msgid "Blacklist mode" msgstr "黑名单模式" msgid "Whitelist mode" msgstr "白名单模式" msgid "The feature library is used to describe app features, app filtering effect and number-dependent feature library" msgstr "特征库用于描述app特征,app过滤效果和个数依赖特征库" msgid "User List" msgstr "用户列表" msgid "If there is no app you want, you can add the app by updating the app feature file" msgstr "如果没有你想要的APP,可以通过升级特征库增加APP" msgid "Feature format" msgstr "特征码格式"