History log of /lsquic/BUILD-WINDOWS.md
Revision Date Author Comments
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# 71eb4000 18-Dec-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.26.1

- [BUGFIX] Migration corner cases: drop or pad over path challenge
and response frames when necessary.
- Fix stream unit test.

# 8573794b 27-Feb-2020 Maxim Sharabayko <maxlovic@gmail.com>

Fixed minor errors in windows build instructions

# 9711bfba 01-Feb-2019 LiteSpeed Tech <info@litespeedtech.com>

Update Windows build instructions

# 1e75f938 16-Oct-2018 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 1.17.0

- [API Change] Packet out Memory Interface (PMI) update:
- Split PMI pool return into pmi_release and pmi_return
- PMI callbacks take peer_ctx and is_ipv6 arguments
- [BUGFIX] Fix use-after-free when certificate is updated
- Silence gcc warning in optimized mode by performing useless
- cmake: use the standard variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE instead of

# eef4f2fc 04-Apr-2018 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Add BUILD-WINDOWS.md -- instruction for building on Windows