History log of /lsquic/docs/gettingstarted.rst
Revision Date Author Comments
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# 293df8d6 12-Apr-2021 George Wang <gwang@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.30.0

- [FEATURE] Added support for sending/receiving multiple headers to address the
case related to "100 continue" header handling.
- [BUGFIX] Addressed high CPU usage for a GOAWAY connection before sending
- [BUGFIX] Addressed SIGFPE due to zero pacing rate. (ISSUE #254).
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a minor issue related to multi-paths.

# 8e6b1576 24-Nov-2020 Michał Śledź <sledzson08@gmail.com>

Add links to tutorial and NetDev presentation

# fb3e20e0 03-Jun-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Fix Windows support

# 9a690580 17-May-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Rename test/unittests to tests/ and test/ to bin/

# a5fa05f9 12-Mar-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.13.0

- [API] Use lsxpack_header structure to process incoming headers.
- [BUGFIX] Fix assertion when zero-padding Initial packet.
- [BUGFIX] Use idle timeout before we learn of peer's value.
- Use ls-hpack 2.0.0 -- has lsxpack_header changes.
- Use ls-qpack 0.14.0 -- new, common with ls-hpack, XXH seed (not used yet).
- Code cleanup: prefix exported functions with "lsquic_".

# afe3d363 02-Mar-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.12.0

- [FEATURE] QUIC timestamps extension.
- [API] New: ea_alpn that is used when not in HTTP mode.
- [BUGFIX] SNI is mandatory only for HTTP/3 and gQUIC.
- [BUGFIX] Benign double-free -- issue #110.
- [BUGFIX] Printing of transport parameters.

# 0bd32030 21-Feb-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Switch to readthedocs.org for hosting documentation

Add API reference.