History log of /lsquic/src/liblsquic/lsquic_headers.h
Revision Date Author Comments
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# a74702c6 06-May-2022 George Wang <gwang@litespeedtech.com>

Release 3.1.0

# 293df8d6 12-Apr-2021 George Wang <gwang@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.30.0

- [FEATURE] Added support for sending/receiving multiple headers to address the
case related to "100 continue" header handling.
- [BUGFIX] Addressed high CPU usage for a GOAWAY connection before sending
- [BUGFIX] Addressed SIGFPE due to zero pacing rate. (ISSUE #254).
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a minor issue related to multi-paths.

# 06b2a236 06-Jan-2021 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.27.1

- [API] New knob to set outgoing packet batch size.
- Aborted connection now become tickable immediately.
- Abort connection when HTTP/3 frame cannot be opened (can only happen
when malloc fails).

# 7d09751d 10-Jan-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.8.7

- [BUGFIX] Initial packet size check for IETF mini conn applies to
UDP payload, not QUIC packet.
- Support old and new school loss_bits transport parameter.
- Use Q run length of 64 as suggested in the loss bits Draft.
- Undo square wave count when packet is delayed.
- Code cleanup; minor fixes.

# 5392f7a3 11-Sep-2019 LiteSpeed Tech <info@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.2.0: server included, ID-22 supported (#76)

# 229fce07 04-Jan-2019 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 1.17.11

Fix strict aliasing warning in when compiling with optimizations

# 3b55e6ae 28-Aug-2018 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

1.13.0: [FEATURE, API Change] HTTP header bypass

Add ability to create custom header set objects via callbacks.
This avoids reading and re-parsing headers from the stream.

See test/http_client.c for example implementation. (Use -B flag
to turn it on).