History log of /lsquic/src/liblsquic/lsquic_shared_support.h
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# f07b3eae 16-Dec-2021 Tyler Young <tyler.young@stirlinglabs.com>

[WIP] use vcpkg for getopt; build windows shared lib enhancements (#350)

* fix MSVC compiler shared library issues - mostly around 'extern const'

* add vcpkg install getopt to appveyor-windows.yml

show appveyor where to get getopt from vcpkg (non-static lib to avoid LGPL violation)

* add missing else case in lsquic_shared_support.h for windows static lib path

* have cmake spit out it's version

have cmake copy dependent dlls to build dir for tests on windows (getopt.dll)

* copy getopt.dll dep for tests

added commented version that requires >= 3.21 but handles any dll deps

* try caching boringssl dir to reduce CI build time since it's always same commit specified in config file

define VCPKG_ROOT in env since I can't seem to find it by VCPKG_ROOT or VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR in appveyor's cmake v3.16 + vcpkg

* make windows cache dependent on yml and cmd

* sync up with changes to ls-qpack