History log of /lsquic/wincompat/sys/queue.h
Revision Date Author Comments
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# a74702c6 06-May-2022 George Wang <gwang@litespeedtech.com>

Release 3.1.0

# 06b2a236 06-Jan-2021 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Release 2.27.1

- [API] New knob to set outgoing packet batch size.
- Aborted connection now become tickable immediately.
- Abort connection when HTTP/3 frame cannot be opened (can only happen
when malloc fails).

# fb3e20e0 03-Jun-2020 Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@litespeedtech.com>

Fix Windows support

# 461e84d8 13-Mar-2018 Amol Deshpande <amol.deshpande@outlook.com>

compiles in debug/release. tests pass (in debug config at least)